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Various Types of Agni: Fire Element


In this culture, Agni Deva, a two-faced god who rides a fiery ram, represents the element of fire. The two faces serve as a metaphor for fire's dual nature as a life-giver and a life-taker. There is no life if the fire that burns within us is not present. However, if you do not exercise caution, fire can spread rapidly and consume everything. Cremation is the term used when our bodies are burned. Another factor is that we use fire to cook so that we can eat things that might not otherwise be edible or tasty to us.

Numerous Agni

1. Jatharagni

Fire has various internal and external dimensions. Let's examine the three types of fire that exist within of us. One of them is called jatharagni. Jathara refers to the digestive system or stomach. You cannot digest the stuff you eat without a little bit of fire in your belly. Food serves as a fuel that you must digest in order to get the energy you require. If the digestive fire is properly fed and has access to sufficient fuel, it can potentially transform into reproductive fire. Jatharagni is essential for both digestion and reproduction.

2. Chitagni

The term "chitagni" refers to the second type of inner fire. It is the realm of the intellect and everything beyond. You possess a dimension of intelligence called chitta that is not constrained by the confines of the physical body. Your genetic make-up and karmic history combine to create your physical shape. Chitta, on the other hand, is an aspect of intelligence that is unimpaired by memory.

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