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Don't Waste the Human Form: The Power of a Spiritual Existence


In Hinduism, the human form is considered the highest of all forms of existence, as it provides the opportunity for the soul to attain liberation from the cycle of birth and death. But what does it mean to truly exist as a human being, beyond just the biological aspects of life? This article will explore the idea of going beyond the instinct of self-preservation and procreation, to tap into the limitless potential

of the human form.

The Importance of Understanding the Self

At the heart of Hindu spirituality is the concept of the self, or Atman. The understanding of the self as an unchanging, eternal essence, separate from the physical body and mind, is fundamental to realizing the full potential of the human form. This realization frees us from the limitations of the ego and allows us to connect with the divine essence that is present within all of us.

Transcending the Ego

The ego is the limited, individual self, driven by desires and fears. It is the source of our identification with the physical body, our sense of separation from others, and our tendency to act based on our instincts for self-preservation and procreation. Transcending the ego means breaking free from these limitations and experiencing the interconnectedness of all things.

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