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To be Nice or natural | Osho Talks


Being spontaneous is preferable to suppressing your rage.

Question: I’ll lose a lot of people if I do that, because being honest comes at a very high cost.

It isn't because if you're naturally inclined, you might believe the cost is excessive right away; it never is! Being natural is usually advantageous in the long term. Repression may give you the impression that everything is under control and going smoothly, but in the end, you will pay a heavy price. When that happens, it is too late and you are powerless. Every mother has treated every child in this way; that is what has been done to everyone.

Do you believe that the control was easy to use? The only thing that psychiatrists are doing is trying to undo what the mothers did. The sole focus of the psychiatric profession—and all of their work—is undoing things that moms have done.

Mothers will starve to death and psychiatrists will die if they listen to me. It is really expensive. Mothers who have been overly controlling are to blame for all the insane persons in the asylums.

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