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The Cost of Blessing or Curse!


Whether you condemn someone or bless them, you are still giving up something that you have worked hard for. You must use some of the positive energy you have accumulated for your life. The extent of a blessing or curse determines how much it will cost. This is the reason that whenever you visit an Indian guru, he will first give you a quick glance before turning to say, "Jai Ho." They hardly ever say "Vijayi Bhava" to you since it would be much more expensive. "Jai Ho" is for the true victory that you have experienced inside.

They typically give their blessing for this. If they are truly a saint or wise person, that is. A distinct game is played when individuals don the outfit but are in reality beggars or businesspeople. Any action or statement is permitted. You can always access your treasury if there is nothing there. It matters when you have something valuable, though.

Therefore, the blessing generally promotes spiritual health. It costs far more to bless someone for their material well-being because it needs to materialise in the physical world. Let's say that receiving a blessing for your inner wellbeing costs one unit of energy. It would take a hundred units of energy for me to bless you if you needed to pass a test for which you hadn't prepared.

How Exactly Do Blessings Operate?

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